
São mais de 200 artigos já traduzidos em diversas áreas do conhecimento, envolvendo pesquisadores, professores e discentes de mais de trinta instituições diferentes no Brasil e em Portugal.
*Trabalhos intermediados por agências internacionais de tradução não estão inclusos por questões de confidencialidade. 

Confira alguns artigos já publicados em revistas de alto impacto. Clique para ver mais:

Título do artigoPeriódicoCliente
Effects of pH and nitrites on the toxicity of a cypermetrin-based pesticide to shrimpsChemosphereMayara Pereira Soares (UA)
Effect of increasing amounts of milk replacer powder added to whole milk on postweaning performance, reproduction, glucose metabolism, and mammary fat pad in dairy heifersJournal of Dairy ScienceCamila F. de Assis Lage (UFMG)
Applying machine learning techniques on feeding behavior data for early estrus detection in dairy heifersComputers and Electronics in AgricultureLuiz G. Ribeiro Pereira (EMBRAPA)
The effects of increasing amounts of milk replacer powder added to whole milk on mammary gland measurements using ultrasound in dairy heifersJournal of Dairy SciencePamela Michéli Furini (UFMG)
Effect of re-ensiling on the quality of sorghum silageJournal of Dairy ScienceGustavo Vinícius dos Anjos (UFMG)
Effect of pelleted vs. ground starter with or without hay on preweaned dairy calvesPLOS ONEMariana Magalhães Campos (EMBRAPA)
Effect of Brachiaria brizantha cultivars on host-parasite-environment interactions in sheep naturally infected with gastrointestinal nematodesPLOS ONEFrancisca Fernanda da Silva (UFPB)
Risk factors for suicidal behavior in a university population in Brazil: A retrospective study Psychiatry Research JournalAmália C. Brito Costa (UEM)
Cypermethrin-based formulation Barrage® induces histological changes in gills of the Pantanal endemic shrimp Macrobrachium pantanalenseEnvironmental Toxicology and PharmacologyMayara Pereira Soares (UA)
Prevalence, risk factors and erectile dysfunction associated with Peyronie’s disease among men seeking urological careSexual MedicineAntônio Segundo (FMABC)
Performance and serum biochemical profile of Japanese quail supplemented with silymarin and contaminated with aflatoxin B1Poultry ScienceMárcia Izumi Sakamoto (UEM)
Effect of sward height on the fermentability coefficient and chemical composition of Guinea grass silageGrass and Forage ScienceLeandro Coelho de Araújo (UNESP)
Performance, meat quality, and fatty acid profile of broiler chickens fed mixed semi-purified glycerinAnimal Production ScienceIván Camilo Ospina Rojas (UEM)
Trichotillomania: Case report of pharmacological treatment outcome with clomipraminePsychiatry ResearchAmália C. Brito Costa (UEM)
Effects of exogenous amylase on the in vitro digestion kinetics of whole‐crop maize silages made from flint or dent grain type at different phenological stages grown in tropical conditionJournal of Animal Physiology and Animal NutritionAbias Santos Silva (UESB)
Dietary inclusion of dehydrated bocaiuva pulp increases the antioxidant potential of quail eggsJournal of Animal Physiology and Animal NutritionCinthia Eyng (Unioeste)
Partial substitution of soybean meal with a yeast-derived protein in the diet of dairy cows under a rotational grazing systemLivestock ScienceHenrique Pinho de Freitas (UFMG)
Plant and animal responses of elephant grass pasture-based systems mixed with pinto peanutThe Journal of Agricultural ScienceAline Cardoso Vieira (UFSM)
Effects of increasing nitrogen levels in Mombasa grass on pasture characteristics, chemical composition, and beef cattle performance in the humid tropics of the AmazonTropical Animal Health and ProductionFabricia Rocha Chaves Miotto (UFT)
Effect of different roughages sources on performance, milk composition, fatty acid profile, and milk cholesterol content of feedlot feed crossbred cows (Holstein × Zebu)Tropical Animal Health and ProductionBismarck Moreira Santiago (UNESP)
Heat-treated Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris) Residue Meal as an Alternative Protein Source in Pelleted Diets for Nile Tilapia Fingerlings: Growth, Body Composition, and Physical Characteristics of DietsTropical Animal Health and ProductionÁlvaro José Bicudo (UFPR)
Productive and reproductive performance of females F1 Holstein x Gir daughters of proven bullsTropical Animal Health and ProductionAlvimara Felix dos Reis (UNIMONTES)
Ruminal degradation kinetics of diets with different lipid sources and its influence on intake and milk yield of early lactation crossbred Holstein × Gir cowsTropical Animal Health ProductionAlysson M. Wanderley (UFMS)
Thermoneutral zone for laying hens based on environmental conditions, enthalpy and thermal comfort indexesJournal of Thermal BiologyBruna Pontara (UFLA)
Productive performance, thermal and blood parameters of Japanese laying quails at different cage stocking densitiesResearch, Society and DevelopmentDanilo Vargas G. Vieira (UFT)
Genotype-environment interaction effects on weight gain in cattle using reaction norms Research, Society and DevelopmentClaudio Vieira de Araújo (UFMT)
Male-biased effective sex ratio across populations of the threatened Zamia boliviana (Zamiaceae)Plant EcologyRosane Segalla (IFMT)
Effects of maternal protein supplementation and inclusion of rumen‐protected fat in the finishing diet on nutrient digestibility and expression of intestinal genes in Nellore steersAnimal Science Journal Wendell Guimarães (UFLA)
Influence of a Silvopastoral system on anatomical aspects and dry matter quality of Mombasa and Marandu grassesJournal of Agriculture and Ecology Research InternationalAntônio C. Santos (UFT)
Effects of phytase superdosing on digestibility and bone integrity of broilersThe Journal of Applied Poultry ResearchJovanir I. Muller Fernandes (UFPR)
Pulmonary adenocarcinoma in mareBrazilian Journal of Veterinary PathologyMayane Faccin (UFPR)
Nutritional value of dual-purpose wheat genotypes pastures under grazing by dairy cowsActa Scientiarum. Animal ScienceMauricio Pase Quatrin (UFSM)
Occurrence of visible losses and relationship with corn silage management in dairy farms in the State of Paraná Acta ScientiarumClóves Cabreira Jobim (UEM)
Morphogenic and structural characteristics of Panicum cultivars during the establishment period in the Brazilian NortheastActa ScientiariumAntonio L. Chaves Gurgel (UFMS)
Implementation of Silvopastoral Systems under Nutrient Cycling in Secondary Vegetation in the AmazonJournal of Agricultural SciencePerlon Maia dos Santos (UFT)
Nonepitheliotropic lymphoma in a dog: case reportBrazilian Journal of Veterinary PathologyFilipe Krasinski Cestari (UFPR)
Response of elephant grass to grazing under an organic production systemRevista Ciência AgronômicaVinicius Felipe Bratz (UFSM)
Purified glycerin in balanced diets of broiler chickens treated from 1 to 42 days of ageRevista Brasileira de ZootecniaMônica Calixto da Silva (UFT)
Productive performance of Holstein calves finished in feedlot or pastureAnais da Academia Brasileira de CiênciasWagner Paris (UTFPR)
Meat quality and performance of pigs fed diets with fish silage mealPesquisa Agropecuária BrasileiraPedro Henrique Watanabe (UEC)
Calcium anacardate as growth promoter for piglets at the nursery phasePesquisa Agropecuária BrasileiraPedro Henrique Watanabe (UEC)
Silage quality of six sorghum cultivars for sheepPesquisa Agropecuária BrasileiraLuiz Gustavo R. Pereira (Embrapa)
Metabolic and hormonal profiles of Holstein x Gyr cows during pre- and postpartumPesquisa Agropecuária BrasileiraAna Paula S. Franzoni (UFMG)
Reduction of crude protein in diets fed to lactating Holstein-Gyr cowsPesquisa Agropecuária BrasileiraClóvis Ribeiro Guimarães (UFMG)
Chemical characteristics, aerobic stability, and microbiological counts in corn silage re-ensiled with bacterial inoculantPesquisa Agropecuária BrasileiraGustavo Vinícius dos Anjos (UFMG)
Factors associated with microbiological and clinical cure of mastitis in dairy cowsArquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e ZootecniaLívio Ribeiro Molina (UFMG)
Antioxidant activity of oily extract obtained from Lippia origanoides improves the quality of bovine embryos produced in vitro Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e ZootecniaNatália Vieira Sollecito (UFMG)
Response of dual-purpose wheat to nitrogen fertilization and seed inoculation with Azospirillum brasilense Ciência e AgrotecnologiaMauricio Pase Quatrin (UFSM)
Productivity and crude protein concentration of Tifton 85 pasture-based mixed with pinto peanut Ciência e AgrotecnologiaAline Cardoso Vieira (UFSM)
Wilting whole crop black oat with glyphosate for ensiling: effects on nutritive, fermentative, and aerobic stability characteristicsRevista Brasileira de ZootecniaClóves Cabreira Jobim (UEM)
Influence of forage surface area, concentrate supply, and workforce on the productive results in milk production systemsRevista Brasileira de ZootecniaGuilherme Koerich (UFSC)
Technical cashew nutshell liquid in diets of growing meat-type quails Brazilian Journal of Poultry ScienceCinthia Eyng (UNIOESTE)
Cassava bagasse and annatto colorific (Bixa orellana L.) in diets for slow-growing broilers from 30 to 90 days of ageRevista Brasileira de Saúde e Produção AnimalIberê Pereira Parente (UFT)
Supplementation of copaiba or sucupira oils in broiler dietsRevista Brasileira de Saúde e Produção AnimalRaiana Almeida Noleto (UFG)
Environmental effects on performance of progeny from different Nellore sires in Brazilian semiarid regionRevista Brasileira de Saúde e Produção AnimalGabriel Persiquini (UFMG)
Effects of guavira fruit (Campomanesia adamantium) peel extract on performance and meat quality of broilersSouth African Journal of Animal ScienceCinthia Eyng (UNIOESTE)
Protein with increasing levels of urea in the diet of dairy cows at pastureCiência AnimalJeankarlo P. dos Santos (UESB)
Mombasa grass characterization at different heights of grazing in intercropping system with Babassu and monocultureSemina: Ciências AgráriasMarcio Odilon D. Rodrigues (UFT)
Nutritional quality of Massai grass fertilized with phosphorus and nitrogen and its influence on intake and weight gain of sheep under rotational grazing on quartzipsamment soilSemina: Ciências AgráriasThais Valléria Souza Silva (UFT)
Nitrogen during the establishment period of Mombasa grassSemina: Ciências AgráriasMarcio Odilon D. Rodrigues (UFT)
Productivity of Urochloa brizantha ‘Marandu’ influenced by strategic rest periods and nitrogen levelsSemina: Ciências AgráriasLuan Fernandes Rodrigues (UFT)
Effects of purified glycerin in balanced diets of chicken broilers treated from 22 to 42 days of ageSemina: Ciências AgráriasMônica Calixto da Silva (UFT)
Performance and physiological parameters in broilers fed different enzyme complexesSemina: Ciências AgráriasThiago dos S. Andrade (Unioeste)
Nutritional evaluation of sorghums grown with different organic fertilizers for slow-growing broilersSemina: Ciências AgráriasCarla Fonseca Alves (UFT)
Effect of post-grazing residual leaf blade-length on the regrowth vigor of Piatã grass grazed under intermittent stockingSemina: Ciências AgráriasWagner Soares da Costa Jr (UFT)
Qualitative characteristics of the Longissimus thoracic lumborum muscle of Nellore cattle during different maturation periodssSemina: Ciências AgráriasJuliana Santos Farias (UFS)
Diet metabolisability and performance of slow-growing chickens fed with cottonseed cake Semina: Ciências AgráriasAline Ferreira Amorim (UFT)
Physicochemical characteristics and gene expression of meat from does fed with dried carnauba wax palm fruitSemina: Ciências Agrárias Aline Maia Silva (UECE)
Nutritive value of sugarcane silages added with increasing levels of acetic acidSemina: Ciências AgráriasFlávio Pinto Monção (UNIMONTES)
Purified glycerin diets for broilers from 8 to 42 days oldSemina: Ciências Agrárias Mônica Calixto da Silva (UFT)
Short-term evaluation of Massai grass forage yield and agronomic characteristics and sheep performance under rotational grazing with different pre-grazing canopy heights Semina: Ciências AgráriasRebeca Rocha Cardoso (UNITINS)
Pre-slaughtering factors related to bruises on cattle carcasses in the micro-region of Araguaína, Tocantins, BrazilSemina: Ciências AgráriasEduardo Feitosa Brito (UFT)
Substitution of soybean meal with dried distillery grains on performance and carcass quality of feedlot lambs Semina: Ciências AgráriasHelen F. Barros Gomes (UFMT)
Effects of dietary protein level on intake, digestibility, and energy expenditure in dairy heifers Semina: Ciências AgráriasLaylles Costa Araújo (UNESP)
Fermentative profile and nutritional value of corn silage added with Tamani guinea grassSemina: Ciências AgráriasFrancielly Paludo (IFG-GO)
Carnauba wax coating preserves the internal quality of commercial eggs during storageSemina: Ciências AgráriasCinthia Eyng (UNIOESTE)
Performance and biometry of the gastrointestinal tract in growing Japanese quails fed bee pollenSemina: Ciências AgráriasCinthia Eyng (UNIOESTE)
Are the effects of dietary lipid content in grazing beef cattle independent of the amount of concentrate supplement?Semina: Ciências AgráriasMatheus L. Damasceno (UNIOESTE)
A step-up ractopamine feeding program for finishing pigsRevista Colombiana de Ciências PecuáriasAnderson Corassa (UFMT)
Primary hepatic fibrosarcoma in a Wistar rat (Rattus norvegicus)Brazilian Journal of Veterinary PathologyFabiana Elias (UFFS)
Identification and molecular analysis of yeasts found in domestic pigeon droppings in Montes Claros, MG, BrazilGenetics and Molecular ResearchAlessandra Xavier (UNIMONTES)
Phenotypic characterization of swine peripheral blood monocyte-derived macrophages and ex vivo infection with Salmonella enterica serovar TyphimuriumBrazilian Journal of MicrobiologyCarlos E. Real Pereira (UFMG)
Combined effects of dietary starch:Protein ratios and short cycles of fasting/refeeding on Nile tilapia growth and liver health Aquaculture ResearchElison Silva de Macêdo (UFPR)
Supplementation of L-glycine and L-glutamate to Japanese quails from 01 to 36 days of age using the ideal protein conceptJournal of Animal Physiology and Animal NutritionMatheus Ramalho de Lima (UESB)
Production and quality of tropical grasses at different regrowth intervals in the Brazilian semiaridActa ScientiariumJoão Emerenciano Neto (UNIVASF)
Mesquite Pod Meal as an Additive Increases Milk Total Solids, Lactose, Fat and Protein Content in Dairy CowsTropical Animal Health and ProductionAbias Santos Silva (UESB)
Carbohydrate-rich Supplements Can Improve Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Mitigate Nitrogenous Gas Emissions From the Excreta of Dairy Cows Grazing Temperate GrassAnimalJoão Gabriel Almeida (UESC)
Antifungal compounds with anticancer potential from Trichoderma sp. P8BDA1F1, an endophytic fungus from Begonia venosa Brazilian Journal of MicrobiologyDiana F. Grigoletto (USP)
Effect of lipid source and emulsifier on productive and physiological parameters of broilersAsian-Australasian Journal of Animal SciencesCinthia Eyng (UNIOESTE)
Antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia coli isolates from spray-chilled sheep carcasses during cooling Revista Colombiana de Ciências PecuáriasKarina A. Mateus (UESC)
Sugarcane bagasse or elephant grass hay in diets for goats: Performance, feeding behavior and carcass characteristicsRevista Colombiana de Ciencias PecuariasStela Antas (UFRN)
Processing and evaluation of pumpkin cake (Cucurbita moschata)Boletim Centro de Pesquisa de Processamento de AlimentosMichelle G. de Carvalho (UFS)
Guided tissue regeneration (GTR) using collagen membrane with polylactic acid frame (PLA): case reportActa Scientific Dental SciencesDonizete Borges (UFG)
Backgrounding steers on temperate grasses mixed with vetch and/or using energy supplementationAsian-Australasian Journal of Animal SciencesWagner Paris (UTFPR)
Performance and egg quality of commercial laying hens fed with various levels of protected sodium butyrateSouth African Journal of Animal ScienceRaiana Almeida Noleto (UFG)
Hydroethanolic extract of guavira fruit peel in diets for finishing broilersSouth African Journal of Animal ScienceCinthia Eyng (UNIOESTE)
Nutritive value of hay from sorghum-sudangrass hybrids (Sorghum sudanense vs. Sorghum bicolor)Brazilian Journal of DevelopmentHosnerson R. de O. Santos (UFV)
Feeding habits and reproductive biology of Astyanax abramisBrazilian Journal of DevelopmentCristiane R. do A. Duarte (UNEMAT)
Effects of feeding cassava bagasse to slow-growing broilersBrazilian Journal of DevelopmentCarla Fonseca Alves (UFT)
Behavior of horses kept in different types of stalls in the semiarid region of Minas Gerais, BrazilJournal of Animal Behavior and BiometeorologyFlávio Pinto Monção (UNIMONTES)
Effect of wilting time and enzymatic-bacterial inoculant on the fermentative profile, aerobic stability, and nutritional value of BRS capiaçu grass silage
Revista Brasileira de ZootecniaFlávio Pinto Monção (UNIMONTES)
Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen sources on the production and development of Brachiaria decumbens cv. BasiliskLeone Campos Rocha (UNESP)
Handling, reactivity and price of beef cattleJournal of Animal Behaviour and BiometeorologyCinara Carvalho (UNIMONTES)
Effect of Energy Supplementation On Intake, Digestibility of Diets and Performance of Grazing Lambs During The Rainy SeasonTropical Animal Health and ProductionAbias Santos Silva (UNESP)
Performance, morphology and carcass characteristics of Sindhi bulls on an official pasture-based gain performance testTropical and Subtropical AgroecosystemsStela Antas (UFRN)
Systematic review of the use of phytobiotics in broiler nutritionRevista de Ciências AgroveterináriasMatheus Ramalho de Lima (UFSB)
Carcass characteristics of immunocastrated steers finished on diets with different energy patterns South African Society for Animal ScienceAmanda Farias de Moura (UFSM)
Effect of protein supplementation on yield and milk composition of F1 Holstein x Zebu cows kept in deferred pasture of brachiaria grassArquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e ZootecniaFlávio Pinto Monção (UNIMONTES)
Performance, hematology, and immunology of pacu in response to dietary supplementation with fructooligosaccharidesPesquisa Agropecuária BrasileiraRicardo Yuji Sado (UFTPR)
Characterization of noise emitted by a low-profile tractor and its influence on the health of rural workersAnnals of the Brazilian Academy of SciencesLuana Mendes (UFLA)
Nutritional, behavioral and performance parameters of F1 Holstein x Zebu cows at different lactation stagesArquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e ZootecniaFlávio Pinto Monção (UNIMONTES)
Physically effective fiber changes nutrient levels of total mixed ration and fecal parameters in beef feedlotsCiência RuralGabriel Persiquini (UFMG)
Milk fatty acid profile of Holstein x Gyr cows on ‘Marandu’ grass pasture under different grazing strategies Pesquisa Agropecuária BrasileiraBárbara C. da Mata e Silva (UNIFENAS)
Effects of short-term feed restriction on the physiological parameters and metabolites of F1 Holstein x Zebu cows in different stages of lactation Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e ZootecniaFlávio Pinto Monção (UNIMONTES)
Principal component analysis of steers performance and structural and nutritional characteristics of Mombasa grassCiência RuralAntonio L. Chaves Gurgel (UFMS)
Selectivity and feeding behavior of Saanen goats subjected to three nutritional levelsRevista Brasileira de ZootecniaHelen Barros Gomes (UFMT)
Selectivity and feeding behavior of Saanen goats submitted to three nutritional levelsRevista Brasileira de ZootecniaHelen F. Barros Gomes (UFMT)
Effect of row spacing and maturity at harvest on the fermentative profile, aerobic stability, and nutritional characteristics of biomass sorghum (BRS 716) silage in the semiarid region of BrazilRevista Brasileira de ZootecniaFlávio Pinto Monção (UNIMONTES)
Dried cassava residue in laying quail feeding/a>Brazilian Journal of Poultry ScienceCinthia Eyng (UNIOESTE)
Effect of different levels of supplementary alpha-amylase in finishing broilersActa Scientiarum. Animal ScienceSolange de Faria (UFLA)
Growth, nutritional efficiency, and profitability of juvenile GIFT strain of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) reared in biofloc system on graded feeding rates AquacultureLuciana Kelly Oliveira (FURG)
Skin surface temperature of the mammary gland, measured by infrared thermography, in primiparous Girolando cows fed diets containing different lipid sourcesJournal of Dairy ResearchAlysson M. Wanderley (UFMS)
Glucan-MOS® improved growth and innate immunity in pacu stressed and experimentally infected with Aeromonas hydrophilaFish Shellfish ImmunologyMichelly Pereira Soares (UFSCAR)
Balanced protein/energy supplementation plan for beef cattle on tropical pasture Livestock ScienceÉriton E. L. Valente (UNIOESTE)
Resistance to all chemical groups of acaricides in a single isolate of Rhipicephalus microplus in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil International Journal of AcarologyFernando de Almeida Borges (UFMS)
Effect of shading strategies on intake, digestibility, respiratory rate, feeding behaviour, and performance of feedlot-finished Nellore bulls in the semi-arid region of Brazil
Italian Journal of Animal Science
Flávio Pinto Monção (UNIMONTES)
Effects of different supplements on performance of steers grazing Mombaça guineagrass (Megathyrsus maximus) during the dry periodTropical Grasslands-Forrajes TropicalesDenise B. Montagner (UFGD)
Effect of grazing management strategies on the yield and nutritional value of Marandu grass in the semiarid of BrazilSemina: Ciências AgráriasFlávio Pinto Monção (UNIMONTES)
Influence of energy supplementation on associative effects in Nellore bulls on a tropical pasture during the rainy seasonSemina: Ciências AgráriasMariane Stahlhofer (UNIOESTE)

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